Monday, February 23, 2009

Snow Snow Snow

First things first~ Before I start needle felting, I must take the kids outside to play, so I dress them in thier handmade coats, yes designed and made by me especially to fit Doxies! We noticed a Fox had made its own tracks in the snow last night! We have a few foxes that play in the yard, they are beautiful animals!


  1. I love doxies! My Dad has one named Oscar. He had to put his 2 yr. old doxie, Buddy, down after he became paralized. It was so sad, they were best friends. Then my boyfriend found this little guy being given away so he picked him up for Dad. Dad kept the 'original' name he came with. haha
    He's a cutie and so are yours! Love the coats you made them!

  2. Thank you~My sister had one that became paralized, and she made a towel that went under her belly with a lead hooked to it, and she walked her every day like that and after about 8 months the dog started using her legs again until one day she walked on her own! The vet told her she would never walk again!She went on to live to an old age and never had another problem~ Miracles can happen with love, I am glad you Dad found another dog. I know what it is like to lose one~

  3. Cute photos...I think their coats are great...keep the little fellows warms!


  4. Love the coats and the pups of course!

  5. The picture of your little brown doxie looked so MUCH like my first dog... I could just look into Bootsie's eyes, again... Made me cry. She is so precious. I had her from the time I was born until I was 11 years old. I've had many poochy babies since, but your first dog always has a special place I think... We have Corgis now which, if you want, you can meet at Country Corgis.

    Anyway, love your artwork... I've never heard of needle felting before... I'll have to find out more about it. I do a lot of other kinds of needlework... Knitting, crochet, Embroidery, etc. as well as drawing in graphite and pastel. I've been interested in starting to do wood sculptures. Where would I find out about this type of artwork that you are doing? It is so interesting, and I LOVE all your little creations! I shall have to visit your Etsy Shop. Linda (OC's Mom)


InspirationByKaren Etsy Shop

I Took The Handmade Pledge!

In Memory of Michael

In Memory of Michael

In Memory of Timon my Kitty

In Memory of Timon my Kitty


About Me

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New York, United States
My name is Karen Clothier and I am an Artist sculptor working with wool roving as my medium. My love of animals and nature are incorporated in my work as I sculpt and paint pets and wildlife. I have been interested in art for as long as I can remember, and my pieces have been purchased world wide. I hope you enjoy looking at my work~

DZ Fantasy on Etsy

In Memory of my Kitty Timon

In Memory of my Kitty Timon

Wolf in White Phase

Wolf in White Phase

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My Kennel of Dog Sculptures

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My Etsy Shop InspirationByKaren

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