As all of you know, I do not usually write in my Blog. Instead, I feature my new art designs. But for a long time, my art has been changing up my connection with animals, and the Spirit world. I have always had a very deep connection with them, but now, I am being pulled in a different direction. I was attuned to all levels of Usui Reiki in 2004, and reattuned again in 2010. The strong knowing that I should be sending distant Reiki to animals is something I must listen to now. I will continue with my art, even doing more personalized sculptures or portraits of my Reiki Clients! If you would like to have a distant session for an animal, please leave a comment for me to contact you. I have a set fee, and also offer art portraits and sculptures, even my new 3-Dimensional designs! It is my hope that I can help the animals, and their owners, as well~
Many Blessings of Peace, Love and Light